Saturday, December 29, 2012

Assignment1_1st draft / 200702094 Chong rim Yoo


Chong rim Yoo

My Dream

How many times did you change your dream? I guess more than once will be a fine answer for everyone. But in my case, at least three times every moment I grew up mentally. However, through these changes I have found my exact dream, the dream I will live with it forever in my life.

During my childhood, I loved babies more than I like today. I never went out to play with my friends but would rather play with kids who were younger than

me. I always bought them snack and feed them like they were my baby birds. Or sometimes I will call them to sit around me and I read them books really dramatically I could see them having fun. So, till I went to elementary school I always told my parents that I want to and will be a kindergarten teacher. In christmas I never hoped for a present but rather painted a drawing of me being a teacher and prayed for Santa to make me dreams come true.

As I got older, I found myself having talent in singing and dancing. But this is not the only reason I changed my dream as a singer. The biggest event was, I experienced earning money by just signing in front of people. It was the day when my father's relative invited our family to his house. We were having a great time and adults were drinking beer and I thought that they will get more fun if I sing and dance in front of them. So, I stood up and sang which was all my ownself will. I did my best because I could see everyone watching at me with joy and suddenly, the relative just gave me a five thousand won which was a huge amount of money for me in that age. I was shocked, 'money? by only singing and dancing? Awesome!' and there I go, changing my dream being a singer because the taste of five thousand won was so sweet to me.

From the age of 20, I started to loose my dream. I became to realistic I knew being a singer is just not possible for me. So, I thought I could find another dream as I study and learn variety of fields. However until the age of 24, nothing came into my mind. I guess just learning words were just not enough for me. Then one day I've graped a chance to work as an intern in one of the foreign banks in Korea for three months. I never had an interest in financial market and never thought of myself having a job related to it. But as I am a person who thinks experiencing is better than studying, I now found my real dream, the dream I could achieve and will achieve. I learned what financial is and how it affect economy be having direct experience and I just loved it. As my majors; Japanese and EIT are not related with financial I am now studying it by myself to be a better banker.

What I want to say is find a dream. Find a dream that you really like and enjoy. But you don't have to be anxious finding it to late because one day it will just come to you with now notice. Try to experience anything, things that you are really interested in or things you really hate because it will lead you to the dream that is really right for you.


  1. You clearly summarized your main points in the last paragraph. It helped me to understand your purpose of writing easily.
    I totally agree with your idea about experience. I especially like the phrase that experience is better than study.
    The journey how you find your dream was interesting. "The taste of five thousand won was so sweet to me" This sentence struck me as powerful because it shows how happy you were then.
    However, I think you should focus on one moment of your life that helped you to find your dream as the topic of the assignment was "describing an experience that you remember clearly and that was important to you."

  2. yong sun hwang

    1 What I like about this piece of writing is that you have quite similar experience to me, except that I had only one dream in my entire life. So I take an interest in this writing. Some parts I felt sympathy and some parts I didn't

    2 Your main point seems to be that if I take some time to find my dream, then I might find a right job. But if I rush into finding a dream, it will be hard to find right one.

    3 how many times did you change your drea ? : I like them because when I was young, I wanted to change my dream but I coudn't. And this sentence makes me to look back my past.

    4 So I stood up and sang which was all my ownself will : I odn't know this sentence is gramatically wrong or not. Actually, I don't understand what this sentence meanns. Sorry.

    5 Some sentences are hard to understand, I think the flow and the contents of your writing is good. And If some parts are described in nore detail, the story will be more understandable, I think.

  3. Chap 2, Final draft /Chong rim Yoo

    My Dream

    How many times did you change your dream? I guess more than once will
    be a fine answer for everyone. But in my case, I experienced at least three changes during my life. However, through these changes I have found my exact dream, the dream I will live with it forever in my life. Let me show you the process of catching my final dream
    During my childhood, I loved babies more than I like today. I never went out to play with my friends but would rather play with kids who were younger than
    me. I always bought them snacks and feed them like they were my baby birds. Or sometimes I will call them to sit around me and I read them books really dramatically I could see them having fun. Therefore, until I attended elementary school I always told my parents that I want to and will be a kindergarten teacher. Even in christmas I never hoped for a present but rather painted a drawing of me being a teacher and prayed for Santa to make my dreams come true with a line that says “ Dear Santa, please make me as a kindergarten teacher when I grow up“.
    As I got older, I found myself having a talent in singing and dancing. But this is not the only reason I changed my dream as a singer. The biggest event was, I experienced earning money by just singing in front of people. It was the day when my father's relative invited our family to his house. We were having a great time and adults were drinking beer and suddenly, I thought they will have more fun if I sing and dance in front of them. So, I stood up and sang even though nobody asked me to do it. I did my best because I could see everyone watching at me with joy. After my performance the relative just gave me a five thousand won which was a huge amount of money for me in that age. I was shocked, “Money? by only singing and dancing? Awesome!” and there I go, changing my dream being a singer because the taste of five thousand won was so sweet to me.
    From the age of 20, I started to loose my dream. I became too realistic and realized being a singer is just not a proper dream for me. I thought I could find another dream as I study and learn in variety of fields. However until the age of 24, nothing came into my mind. I guess just learning words were just not enough for me. Then one day I've graped a chance to work as an intern in one of the foreign banks in Korea for three months. I never had an interest in financial market and in the least thought of myself having a job related to it. But as I am a person who thinks experiencing is better than studying, I now found my real dream, the dream I could achieve and will achieve. Experience working in a bank lead me to learn what finance is and how it affects economy and became to love it. The biggest attraction was that I could use my English skill daily and easily realize the condition of World’s economy by contacting Global Banks. As my majors; Japanese and EIT are not related with financial I am now studying it by myself to be a better banker. Also, I am having fun in learning finance fields I am interested in which will be “Finance”
    What I want to say is find a dream. Find a dream that you really like and enjoy. But you don't have to be anxious finding it too late because one day it will just come up to you with no notice. Try to experience anything, things that you are really interested in or things you really hate because it might be the exact thing for you as you experience it. Those experiences will lead you to the dream that is really right for you.
