Thursday, December 27, 2012

Bora Hong. Chapter 1. everyday 11~1



Hi guyes.  I am Bora. 

 These below are the answers for the quesiont on the page 24 , 25. :)



1. Creativity is essential to be a good writer.

The imitated sentences or ideas can not attract the readers.

He needs to write his own ideas with his own words and also he need a qualification to choose appropriate vocabularies. Repeated or too difficult or too simple vocabularies should be avoided depend on the situation.

All this should be finally good organized ( I mean well-structured.)

To make the writer's idea clear for the readers, this is required.



2. I have difficulty getting ideas when I start writing.

And even though I have good one, it is not sufficient enough.

When the topic comes for the writing it is always the problem to start.

And I want to stop writing " I" several times, whenever I start writing.

Hate it actually.



3. I start writing really early. Because I just need more time to organize and get good ideas.

Yes I do revise my writing at least 5 times. When I type it, there could be a lot of miss spelled words or incorrect grammar, so I look at it over and over again.

Whenever I have questions , I usually ask professors. Friends and Internet could be also the other way, but usually the informations are uncertain.


4. Through this class I want to at least get out of the fear that I get from writing. And I want to write and begin my english writing like a native speaker, not like a well-educated foreigner. whenever I read the two different writing between the two, I can definitely feel the huge differences.



5.To improve my writing skills a discussion in small groups and feedback from professors can be very helpful (as far as I believe).

Everybody has their own writing style. Reading other people's writing a lot could be also good way.


Comment Comment :D


  1. I also revise my writing many times. And I guess you have similar difficulties in writing as me.

  2. I don't revise my writings so much at all! I need to learn from you!
