Thursday, December 27, 2012

Chanil Kim/Assignment#1


I think that I am good at getting background information about what to write. Even when I do not have any idea of a topic, I am willing to cope with it by getting important information through some articles. I also love to research a topic that I am not familiar with. During this process, I happen to know some specific and academic terms for the topic, which help my essay look more credible and affluent.




First, I think that one of the most difficult parts of writing is to choose what to write about. Sometimes, we are given a specific topic which we should write about for our classes, but we often have to decide what I am going to write about on our own. To choose a topic is not an easy process for me; I would spend the most time on this process when writing.

Second, having enough idea of a topic seems another difficult aspect of writing. Knowing well about everything is impossible, but if we do not have any idea of what we should write about, we are less likely to be able to write a quality essay. So, we must collect as much information as we can before we actually start to write.

Third, I feel that organizing ideas is difficult. I think that it is an essential step to best complete any kind of writing. By organizing ideas well, we can convey our thought very clearly and effectively. When we fails to organize ideas well, we are likely to make readers feel confused about our essay. It is very important and not an easy step; we should write a lot to practice it and achieve some skills to do so.



When I have out-of-class writing assignment, I usually try to make sure that I am fully aware of the format or instructions that the teacher demands. I would not start to writing but to make an outline for my writing assignment first. I think that I usually spend more time in making outlines for my writing assignments than in writing them. Before finishing my writing assignments, I tend to write one draft and revise it couple of times all the way to the final draft. When I had some trouble with my writing assignments, I often asked teachers who gave those assignments to help me figure out how to write them.



Most importantly, I want to be able to write quickly about any given topic. I think that this ability would best represent many aspects of being a good writer. To write quickly about any given topic in the first place, a writer should be aware of almost everything since he cannot know which one would be his topic to write about. He has to read many writings about various topics to get some information and to organize his own thought about those topics.

In addition, I hope to achieve as many ideas as possible. I think that writing comes from my own idea. Even though I know how to express my idea in a good way, I cannot convey my thought and idea when I have nothing to say or write about it. Getting more ideas for writing definitely needs practicing; reading many essays about various topics and writing my opinion about those essays could in turn help achieve many ideas.

Finally, I need to better organize my idea. When I fully understand a topic and have clear opinions about it, the next thing to concern is better organization. To convey my idea effectively or sometimes to convince others to accept my idea, good organization is essential.



I think that freewriting would help me most. Anyway I have to write a lot to be a good writer. Second, I think that reading is very helpful for me to be a good writer. While reading many essays, I get to achieve considerable information and expressions that I could use in my future writing. Third, conferences with my teachers would be helpful as well. Sometimes, it is hard for a writer himself to catch any mistake in their own writing. Others, however, can easily find something inappropriate. Besides, teachers have a lot of experience and academic knowledge to help a student writer better organize and convey his thought in his essay.


  1. We have something in common in the aspect of investing much time before start writing. And I envy your willingness to learn new things like background information.

  2. I have same idea about that freewriting would help the most. If I cannot write freewriting then it will be impossible to write academic writings.

  3. It's wonderful!

  4. We can only write what we already know, so I think we should read much more before writing.
