Saturday, January 5, 2013

Jaemin Park/chapter3/first draft

I have 4 nephews, one of which is Ha Jun Park.

It means the present from God in Korean(하늘이 준비한 선물).

One day, as soon as I noticed that my big sister had come to Korea, I rushed to go home.

Opening my room, a little angel with a large towel was sleeping in my bed. He had already a lot of hair, small eyes, vivid red lips, which is very similar to my sister.

From that day, we lived together for a while.

As I had a vacation, I often stayed with my sister's family and was happy to take care of the baby.

He was my first nephew so everything he did, even crying was delight for me.

As time went by, he started to focus his eyes on me and say "mommy", which means everything for him, such as cookie, milk.

One day, while my big sister went out, I was watching TV with him.

My sister said not to watch the TV with him but as I had to cancel an appointment because of Hajun, I was kind of angry. 

Hajun kept saying "mommy" but I ignored and watched TV.

"Ma~ang na~a"

I stared at him suprised.

"what? what did you say?

"mommy, mommy"

I thought I misheard something and again watched TV.


This time I heard clear and strong voice.

Hajun was babbling the word with the little cute lips watching me. My family calls me "mangnae",(막내) which means the last child in Korea.

Since he kept hearing "mangnae" from my family, the first word he said to me was not "aunt" but "mangnae".

That night, he was so adorable that I hugged him for a long while.


  1. Hajun is very cute little baby! I could know this from your description of him as an angel. It’s also very cute to call everything “mommy” and later call you “mangnae”.
    You explained what Hajun looks like and what he says. He looked very similar to your sister and he called you “mangnae".
    There was nothing that I couldn’t understand, but I found a grammatical error. In the first sentence of the essay, I think you should replace “which” with “them” because Hajun is a human being. ;)
    I think you chose to describe Hajun because he was your first nephew and he gave you so much delight.
    I want to know more about Hajun’s recent days. How old is he now? Is he still calling you “mangnae”?

    1. Thank you for your comments! Hajun is now 6 years old and now he calls me '이모' but he is teaching the word '막내'to his little brother! ^^

  2. 1. One of your nephews, Hajun, is a new born baby who is learning to speak Korean. You really like him and think he is really cute.

    2. "Opening my room, a little angel with a large towel was sleeping in my bed.", "He was my first nephew so everything he did, even crying was delight for me. ", "Since he kept hearing "mangnae" from my family, the first word he said to me was not "aunt" but "mangnae". "
    From these sentences, I could see that you liked the new born baby of your sister at the first sight because you described him as an angel. Also you think he is really cute because usually when a baby cries, people get embarrassed but you feel delight when your nephew cries. And he is learning Korean, especially the word "mangnae" which refers to you.

    3.- What the person looks like: He had already a lot of hair, small eyes, vivid red lips, which is very similar to my sister.
    - What the person says: "mommy", "Ma~ang na~a"
    - What the person does: Hajun was babbling the word with the little cute lips watching me.
    - What other people say about the person: ?

    4. At first you said you had four nephews. But then you said Hajun was you first nephew. I thought this "mangnae" event occurred not so long ago. It was therefore a little bit confusing that the other nephews were already grown up or born later than Hajun.

    5. I think you really like babies. Besides, Hajun is your first nephew. I understand how much you felt happy when he tried to call you as "mangnae".

    6. Does he know the meaning of "mangnae" now?

  3. Park Ye Jee 200904069January 7, 2013 at 9:44 AM

    1. I can imagine that he would be really cute.I think he would be so adorable with hairs, small eyes, vivid red lips. Even seeimg him will make us happy, i think.

    2.1)"a little angel with a large towel was sleeping in my bed. He had already a lot of hair, small eyes, vivid red lips, which is very similar to my sister."
    2) He was my first nephew so everything he did, even crying was delight for me.
    3)Hajun was babbling the word with the little cute lips watching me. My family calls me "mangnae",(막내) which means the last child in Korea.

    From the three details, i could see how cute Ha-Jun was.
    and how much you feel adorable to him.

    a. what the person looks like : you described Ha-Jun's appearance when you saw Ha-Jun first. " a little angel with a large towel was sleeping in my bed. He had already a lot of hair, small eyes, vivid red lips"

    b. what the person says : you used dialogue it was interesting.
    ""Ma~ang na~a"
    "what? what did you say?
    "mommy, mommy"

    5. i thought you chose Ha-Jun, because he is really like an angel. and he is one of your nephews, so he will be very precious to you.
    Besides, he said "Mang-Nae~" to you. it might be very suprising and special to you.
